I decided that I would start with the middle child. It seems it's always either the oldest or the youngest, so I'll break tradition. Maybe someday she'll read this and it will please her that I started with her. :)
Cambria is tough, spunky, sweet and joyful. We waited a looooong time for her to come to us. When we had Stella, we wanted another baby rather soon, as early as 18 months apart. However, that was not meant to be and we ended up waiting almost 3 years for her to join our family. The pregnancy and delivery had a few minor complications and then she was quite sick when she was born. We ended up having to leave her an extra day at the hospital. The worst feeling in the world is when you have to drive away from the hospital without your baby. I'm blessed because I was able to pick her up the next day.

Cambria loved to be swaddled, so we called her our little burrito for awhile. She was a difficult baby and cried pretty much non-stop. We soon found out she had a milk allergy and by 6 months she was fine and a very happy baby.
Cambria starting walking right around 12 months. She was a little munchkin and barely ever made it onto the growth charts, but she seemed to be healthy. Around 16 months Cambria stopped walking. She would instead crawl and we soon realized one of her knees were swollen and red. After a couple long months of

various doctor appointments she was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis. It has been a tough journery for her, but she is doing really well with it at this time. You can kinda see in this dance picture how her left knee was swollen. She has come such a long way. :)
Cambria started Kindergarten this year and has just loved every minute of it. She really enjoys being "big" like Stella and heading off to school every day. She comes home ready to do her homework happily and she has progressed with the learning and reading just fine.

She enjoys anything pink, girly and foo foo - but she's tougher than anyone I've ever known. This past summer she hit her head on a table and needed staples. It was right before we were leaving for a 2 week vacation and the staples had to come out before we would make it back. The doctors gave Ray a tool to take them out with on a certain day. Cambria just laid down and Ray started taking them out. After a couple were done Ray asked her if it hurt because she wasn't even moving or saying anything. She answered, "Yes, but I'm just breathing through it". LOL! :D
When we recently got our dog, Casey, Cambria was really intimidated by her due to her fear of dogs. However, she worked through it and now is the closest of all the kids to Casey. It's really sweet and ironic.
She has THE sweetest smile. She could probably get anyone to smile along with her. Just last week she lost one of her big teeth on the top, so she has the cute hole in her mouth. It just makes her even cuter. Sooo...I took som

e pictures.