Sunday, May 17, 2009

An Update

Just an update because let's face it, it's been tooooooo long without one. Everytime I come to my blog I do think of something I could blog about, but then I think about the fact that everyone that possibly reads my blog already knows all that stuff. However, times like today I think, well someday my kids will have this to I blog! :)

Life has been interesting lately. Everyone (except me) was sick in April. I actually missed an entire month of church because someone was always sick. All the kids got better, but Ray is still having some medical trouble. They still don't know exactly what the problem is. It all started rather normal. He has some congestion, coughing etc. Then it just wouldn't go away and his cough got progressively worse. One morning, I was laying in bed half awake and he was getting ready for work. He was coughing pretty badly and then all of a sudden I heard no more coughing and a loud THUD! Yep, he passed out and fell down! It was very scarey for me. I ran in and after calling his name twice he came to and stood up thinking something was wrong with me because I was yelling of him! LOL! He actually didn't believe me at first that he had passed out. However, he had hit his arm pretty badly on the way down and there was already a big bruise, so I was able to show him that to "convince" him that he passed out. Sooo, he headed off to the doctor, who then sent him to the ER to have some testing done. They cleared him there of anything too serious, called it bronchitis and sent him home for 4 days off work and some antibiotics and an inhaler. Well, nothing changed. He has been back to the doctor many times, there has been an MRI of his head done (everything fine...go figure, hee hee); sonogram of his heart (nothing major found); he is wearing an event monitor for his heart to record what his heart does while he has one of his coughing episodes; he went to the allergist and found out he has severe asthma (he's now on 3 different inhalers); most recently they did a CT scan of his lungs (still waiting for the results of this); blood work to check for antibodies for whooping cough; and a possible CT scan for his upper GI will be done. Hopefully he will find out what's going on soon. In the meantime, he is trying to just plug along, working 6 days down at work, trying to keep his church calling of scoutmaster going and also have time for us and the house and yard. Whew! Good thing he's a strong and amazing man!

I am trying my best to carry what load I can. My mom had knee surgery and we were pleased that she is recovery very nicely from that. Her surgeon is amazing! We had about 3 weeks left of school for the girls, Kyle has one more week left at museum school and Stella is on her break from Texas Girls Choir. She goes back for 3 weeks in June, they have practices for 2 weeks and then one week is camp. It will be Stella's first overnight camp. I think she is excited!

Cambria is doing sooo well in school. She has been receiving some speech therapy at school since she was missing some important ending sounds. She has worked very hard and is already able to say those sounds. We hope to keep her progressing over the summer. She is just starting to really read and she loves to do math. Her glasses didn't work as well as we would have hoped for correcting the right eye weaker eye. So, as of now we are patching her left eye (the strong one) for 2 hours every day to hopefully strengthen the right eye (the weak one). She is suppose to do activities like reading, writing, coloring while wearing it. The best time right now for that is during school hours. So, that's what she's doing. She is amazingly strong! I did go in and speak to her K class myself to explain about it and they seemed very willing to accept it. We also did some role playing at home so she could practice answering questions about her patch. Let's hope the patching does the trick because we only have until she's 8 to fix it. Right now even with the glasses she can't see as well out of that eye. There are no surgeries or anything, so this is the last hope I think to correct this problem.

Kyle is doing great! He is talking more and just growing up right before my eyes. I am sooo thankful I will have him at home for one more year. He of course refuses pretty much to potty train, but he is in for a rude awakening this summer. LOL! I think the time has come to use the toilet. His lazy diaper days are numbered! He totally knows WHAT to do, he just doesn't WANT to. Silly boy! :)

Well, I guess that leaves me. I have been really enjoying my garden this year. I am doing my first square foot garden and it's been soo fun for me. It was super easy to do and I really feel a sense of accomplishment. If you want to check out what I'm doing with it, go to
I also post other things on that site like recipes and such that I try, but my garden is a big part of it.

So, I guess that's most everything. Hopefully I blog a little more frequently. Feedback and comments are welcome, as a way to show me the love for posting....hint hint. HEE HEE!!!
