I figured I better blog about something since it's been awhile! Life is great! Ok, so I haven't really been feeling like life is great lately, but when you get ready to blog about your life you suddenly realize in retrospect that you actually are very blessed. Silly me!
Stella stays busy with the Texas Girls Choir, which in turns keeps me very busy. She took her first portion of the TAKS test (the Texas state test for school) and is pretty sure she did just fine. She finished it before lunch even though they had all day to get it done. She read books for the rest of the day. Our weather up until today had been very warm. In the 80's and the kids love those days. They play outside as often as possible. The other day Stella came inside very excited because she had found a 4-leaf clover. She is the tall tale girl, so I didn't believe her at first. However, I saw it myself and it was indeed a 4-leaf clover. Pretty cool. I took a picture to
share with, but it's hard to see that it does have 4 leaves. Guess you'll have to take our word for it. Ray's response was this: "Yep sometimes they do that" Whatever, hahahah!
Lately I've been so busy that I haven't been able to make it to the playgroup get togethers. However, last Friday our
friend Melanie invited us all over to play and have lunch. We had a great day and we wore the kids out pretty good. Always a good thing. Here is Kyle playing on the swing set.
Ray is very busy with work. They are on mandatory overtime, so he is working 6 days a week now. They changed his job on him down at Lockheed, so he now works on the flight line which is fun but very fast moving and kinda stressful most of the time. He is trying to adjust as quickly as he can. With the 6 day work schedule it makes scout campouts and family campouts difficult. We'll see what we are able to work out hopefully in the near future.
I've been sick with a stomach bug the last couple days. I am NOT enjoying it whatsoever, but I hopefully am on the upswing now. Today my mom kept Kyle for most of the day so that I could sleep and rest. I had just finally gotten to sleep and the school nurse called. Ha ha! Murphy's workin overtime! Cambria had a headache. So, I climbed out of bed and didn't even bothered trying to make myself presentable. I took tylenol and claritin down for her to take. As I was walking into the nurses office, so was Stella. She had apparently hit her elbow and said she felt a big rush of fluid run down from her elbow to her hand. Haha, the nurse and I had a good chuckle over that one. We told her she just hit her funny bone and it was fine, she would just be fine. When she got home from school, she kept saying that she had "activated her funny bone". Whatever! She cracks me up!