Saturday, October 4, 2008

I have jumped in...finally...

Yes, it was only a matter of time before I joined the blogging bandwagon. I've already tried my time with myspace and am an avid user of facebook. I think the reason for my decision to have a blog is two-fold. I thouroughly enjoy reading other's blogs and I could use a place to pour out my thoughts and happenings. I also have learned from being an avid reader of other's blogs first that I need to keep my posts up. Nothing is worse when you check a blog day after day and they don't blog for like a month. VERY annoying! LOL!
Soooo...stay tuned. For your reading pleasure I have a few posts tonight. It's just the kids and I at home and they have a movie in mind to watch, so I've got nothin' but time to blog to my hearts desire! :)