Saturday, October 18, 2008

Look what I did!!!!

Yep, I made these! I'm very proud of myself. I'm 35 and finally getting around to learning how to sew. I've been around many people that have sewn in my life, but have never had the patience or really the desire to learn how to. About 4 years ago, Ray brought home a sewing machine. He had found a good deal at Walmart and just decided to buy it. I'm not sure what he thought was going to happen. Maybe he thought I would just magically know how to do it. Or, maybe he thought I would teach myself how to sew. I am the type of person who usually can figure things out if I want it badly enough. I just didn't care. The last year or so, I found the desire. I even bought all the things I needed to make these big pillows for a reading area in the playroom. Hopefully, that will be my next post! :D was super saturday at church. We have several classes at the church for the women to take and learn how to do things they might not know how to do. I always sign up for as much as I can. Because, lets face it - I'm making up for all the years as a kid that I flat out refused to learn anything that didn't interest me. I try not to live with regrets, however this comes close.
So, my friend Jamie taught a class on making these cute halloween treat bags. She told me ahead of time if I would bring my sewing machine she would show me how to use it. BONUS!!! She showed me how to thread the machine and all the other important functions. Big huge thank you to Jamie!!! This post is also for her to see that I did come home and make the two other bags!
So there you have it! They are reversable and uber cute and I'm darn proud of them! Onward and upward, lets see what else I can do!


Melanie said...

Great job Allison! They turned out super cute!

Jamie said...

Yea! Good Job! They look really good. Did it seem to get easier the more you worked on them?

Allison said...

Yes, they went really fast. I was suprised. I'm hoping to get started on my pillows possibly today. Thanks for all your help.

Kelly said...

Very cute. I'm jealous. :)

Jamie said...

I'm glad your enjoying it. We'll be having quilting parties before you know it ;)