I have recently discovered the wonderful time wasting world of tower defense flash games on line. For those of you who are looking for more non-productive activities to fill out your schedule check out Bananageddon.com.
I have also discovered how to waste time on Facebook, which is very cool and an easy way to find out what Television shows my friends thousands of miles away are watching or how tired they are. I don't know how I got by being ignorant of these details in the past, I guess I just didn't know any better.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Posted by Anonymous at 7:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Helpful timewasting hints
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Just some random thoughts...
Sooo, I'm noticing that I'm falling into the same pattern I've noticed on other's blogs. Seems if I can't think of something exciting or witty to post, I don't post at all. I don't want to blog like that... So, while some of my post MAY be exciting and witty (because...HELLO...I'm ME, haha), not all of them will be. Some might be just like this, boring, yet possibly insightful and something for my children to look back on and say...OH, wow Mom went through that too. :)
Another note to add is that I added my wonderful husband Ray as an author to this blog. I'm hoping that he will add his exciting and witty thoughts as well and together we might in some fashion create an interesting read for you most days.
I've felt as though I've gone through a forced transistion these past few weeks. As many of you know, I was released from my calling as Young Women's President at church. For those that aren't members of my church, we have jobs at the church that are voluntary. Our leaders extend callings - or jobs- to us and we have the choice to accept or decline. Our church has many different organizations and all of them work together to help us learn and grow in the gospel. I have been blessed as a convert to my religion to receive callings in organizations that I haven't had experience with yet. About 2 years ago I was called into the Young Women organization. This is for the youth girls ages 12 to 18. I was first called as a counselor to the president and found the calling to be such a joy and I was able to learn all about the organization. I thought it was a wonderful blessing to work so closely with these youth and also to learn the programs that my girls would be learning in just a few short years. About one year ago, they asked me to be the president of the organization. This was a bit of a shock because I hadn't been in there very long and also because Ray has a very time consuming and demanding calling in the church as well. It was a wonderful, yet busy and stressful year as president. This month they asked me to do something different. It's hard to spend soo much time with youth and then to just be done. Little kids are easy to love, it just comes naturally. My kids are easy to love, it also comes naturally. I was unsure of how easily the love would come for these young girls that I didn't know and that were at such "difficult" ages. The love I knew would be neccessary if I was going to serve them the way the Lord would want me to. I was amazed! The beautiful, sweet spirits not only were truly easy to love, but they loved me back in a way I wasn't expecting. The trust and the level that they were thinking at were awesome. The joy that they had and shared was amazing!
So, now I'm in with the Relief Society sisters. I have always loved Relief Society and I was excited to learn I would be able to attend their Sunday meetings. I was asked to serve as a counselor to the president and work with the enrichment of the sisters. I've had this calling before and it did not intimidate me for that reason. However, I'm realizing that going back to something after so many years is not an easy transition. It's fun to think that all these women have so much wisdom to share with me. I hope that I can make the most of this time and learn and share and serve in a way that is pleasing to my Lord. I'm also able to support and help Ray in his calling more. He needs to be out among the people and visiting and helping them a lot and this was very difficult for him to do when I was gone a lot with the young women. So, mostly good things coming from the change, but a transition none-the-less and I don't do well with changes. :)
I'm looking forward to the holidays. We origionally had planned on going camping during our Thanksgiving holiday...however we decided to stay at home and use the time to get some things done around the house that had been put on the back burner. Ray has been working a lot of overtime and so a whole day off at home is hard to come by. We are looking forward to getting our house in order for the holiday celebrations come December.
Stella turns 9 next month. It seems each year gets harder with their birthdays. I'm excited for them, but sad for me. I start looking at pictures of them when they were little and think about how long ago they seemed that little and yet it seems so fast all at the same time.
You know, I think in honor of my kids, I'm going to do a post for each of them and just tell everything about them that I love. I'm so thankful for my kids and I should express it more. What better place then this. :)
Posted by Allison at 9:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
In honor of turkey day approaching...
When I was 8 years old I "adopted" my father's aunt and uncle as my grandparents. They were great and wonderful people and I truly loved them. My Grandpa Charlie passed away first when I was 16. It was a sad loss, but we still had Grandma Alice. She had a wonderful sweet spirit and a lot of spunk and boy oh boy could she cook and bake. YUM! She was best known for her banana bread. It tasted like no other banana bread I'd ever had and she jokingly called it her "ticket in the door" for our family gatherings. Ha ha! She married into our family and didn't have any children, so she always felt it was an act of kindness that we included her. However, we just loved her and holidays were not the same without her. Grandma Alice passed away in the summer of 2006. She was 98 years old! She lived a great life and touched many in her time here on earth.
Last year for Christmas, my sister gathered some of Alice's recipes and put together cookbooks for mom and I. As she was going through all the paper clipped recipes and hand written recipes this one came up. It was written out with her handwriting just like any other recipe. Ha ha! This was so funny to us all, because she was so proper and always appropriate, but every once in awhile she would pop up with something funny and out of character. So I share this with you for a holiday chuckle and if any of you try the recipe let me know how it turns out, LOL! :D
Turkey Dressing
2 cups bread crumbs
1 onion, chopped
6 stalks celery - diced
1 pkg. onion soup mix
2 cups popcorn - unpopped
Mix and stuff turkey. Place in oven at 325 degrees. After 2 hours, get the hell out of the kitchen because the popcorn will "blow the turkeys' ass right out of the oven".
Posted by Allison at 10:01 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Playing with pictures!
So a friend sent me a link to this fun and free photo finishing software. I finally got it uploaded and had some fun with these impromptu pics of Kyle in the bathtub. Thanks for looking!
Posted by Allison at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Pumpkin Carving

Posted by Allison at 11:21 AM 0 comments