This is a typical face made my Cambria when she's trying to be silly.

So, usually we make time as a family to go to a pumpkin patch. However, we didn't make it this year. What we did instead is had Ray pick up a few pumpkins on his way home from work Thursday night. It actually was really cool, he found found three smaller pumpkins for around a $1 a piece. GREAT deal! The kids were happy as well. Stella drew her own face on and Cambria and Kyle chose from faces that Ray drew on paper. Then he cut the tops off and they started cleaning out their pumpkins. Kyle didn't want to have anything to do with the inside of the pumpkin. He thought it was "yucky". Ha ha! I had a couple safer cutter knives, so Stella used that to work on part of her pumpkin. Kyle was jealous and wasn't happy 'til he had his own knife. What is it with boys and knives. This past summer, I found Kyle with a paring knife and apple and a pool of blood. Yep, he needed stitches. This however, was much safer, but still made me nervous. When he got his knife though he was just so content - just worked at cutting on his pumpkin. It was cute.
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