We decided to go site seeing. It was the first day we had a working vehicle that we didn’t have to worry about. We drove into Port Aransas and took the car ferry over
to Portland and then onto Corpus Christi. We had lunch at a place called Blackbeard’s. It was a really fun little place that had GREAT food. I highly recommend it!
We then went to the USS Lexington. It’s an old naval air craft carrier that has been turned into a museum. I’ve been on a few air craft carriers in my life since I am a navy brat, but this was a first for Ray and my kids.
They had a great time!
While there we saw a short film called “Red Flag”. It was about an air force pilot and how he went through this training exercise called red flag. We mostly went because we thought Kyle would love it and he did, but he only watched the first half before he fell asleep. It was cute! After the ship visit, we went to pick up our vehicle that was really, finally fixed! Woo hoo, even though it cost a ton of money! After that we headed back to camp and cooked and then the kids crashed and Ray and I played cards with our friends outside. It was a very enjoyable day!
We headed out for some more fun! Corpus Christi Science and History Museum. We love going to the kids museums when we can. The kids always love them and we always feel like they are worth the money. This one have a definite pull because they had the ships that were built for the 500th anniversary of Columbus. They were really neat and we even got to go on board one of them!
The kids played literally for HOURS inside the museum on the all the play stuff and it was a cool area to spend the day. Stella showed off her ropeing skills. She showed a bunch of boys who had been trying for awhile, it was kinda cute. :)
We headed back to camp, cooked and then went down to the beach for the last time. My dog, Casey really enjoyed the beach as well and even showed off some of her swimming skills! She won’t go NEAR water at home, so it was a nice surprise!

Ray, Cambria and Kyle sitting out in the ocean! :)
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