Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
One of THOSE days!!! Arrrggg!!!
Yep, it's one of THOSE days! The kind where nothing goes as planned and everything is really annoying and everyone is super grumpy. Yeah THAT kind of day. And it isn't even noon yet! We started the day off late. I got home from dropping the girls off and was able to spend about an hour at home until I got a call from the school nurse. Stella wasn't feeling well. We went and picked her up and she is resting at home now. Of course that in and of itself changes my entire day. I don't want Cambria to ride the bus home by herself, so I have to go and get her early from school because I have a dentist appointmnet this afternoon. Kyle is...GRUMPY! All he wants to do is watch tv, how dare I turn his tv off. He is throwing a fit about it...as I type this.
So, yeah there you have it. IF my day improves, I might blog on a happier note. We shall see.
Posted by Allison at 8:48 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Look what I did!!!!
Yep, I made these! I'm very proud of myself. I'm 35 and finally getting around to learning how to sew. I've been around many people that have sewn in my life, but have never had the patience or really the desire to learn how to. About 4 years ago, Ray brought home a sewing machine. He had found a good deal at Walmart and just decided to buy it. I'm not sure what he thought was going to happen. Maybe he thought I would just magically know how to do it. Or, maybe he thought I would teach myself how to sew. I am the type of person who usually can figure things out if I want it badly enough. I just didn't care. The last year or so, I found the desire. I even bought all the things I needed to make these big pillows for a reading area in the playroom. Hopefully, that will be my next post! :D
So...today was super saturday at church. We have several classes at the church for the women to take and learn how to do things they might not know how to do. I always sign up for as much as I can. Because, lets face it - I'm making up for all the years as a kid that I flat out refused to learn anything that didn't interest me. I try not to live with regrets, however this comes close.
So, my friend Jamie taught a class on making these cute halloween treat bags. She told me ahead of time if I would bring my sewing machine she would show me how to use it. BONUS!!! She showed me how to thread the machine and all the other important functions. Big huge thank you to Jamie!!! This post is also for her to see that I did come home and make the two other bags!
So there you have it! They are reversable and uber cute and I'm darn proud of them! Onward and upward, lets see what else I can do!
Posted by Allison at 7:34 PM 5 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
We finally did it!
Anyone who knows Ray and I really well, know that we are not really animal people. We both had pets as children, but never really desired to have pets as adults. And so we didn't. Unfortunately, we were blessed with two out of three children who are VERY much animal people. Stella and Kyle love animals. Kyle seems to be kindred spirits with any dog/horse that's around. So, we have known for a couple years now that at some point a family pet would be in inevitable. Our old saying during the baby years was that if it ate and pooped it had better be a child. More recently I had been pushing for a dog. With Cambria now in school with Stella it just leaves Kyle at home. He has Grandma Candee most days and of course me, but he loves to be outside just running around. I could always picture him with a man's best friend. Ray was not easily sold to the committment of having a dog. He finally relented and said recently that we could go ahead and try to find a dog. I searched the internet and found different ways of getting a dog and then life just got busy and we never did anymore about it.
Well...Friday afternoon I got home from a playdate at the park for Kyle and there was a sweet dog hanging around. Now, again, I'm not really an animal person. I have NEVER, really never, even thought once about giving a stray anything. However, immediately with this dog I thought it looked thirsty. So, I found a bowl, filled it with water and put it out for her to drink. She came and drank and then layed down in the driveway to rest. She was sooo sweet. I decided to go inside and look to see what I could feed her and when I came out she was headed down the street. So, I just pretty much thought she had moved on.
Several hours later, my neighbor girl came by with the dog and proceeded to try to convince me to keep this dog. She said it had been following her home from the bus stop every day for about 2 weeks and she couldn't keep it. I told her it sounded like a great idea but I would need to convince my husband. LOL! I called Ray and he was not at first excited about taking in a stray since he felt we wouldn't know what we were getting. Long story short, he came home, checked her out, saw how stella and her bonded immediately and welll.....we have a new dog!
Her name is Casey (Stella named her) and the vet thinks she is a lab-sheppard mix but could possible have some chow in her since her tongue is purple. They estimated her to be about 14 months old.
She is wonderful with the kids and is very sweet and loving. She seems very pleased to have a place to call home. We had her shots and everything done on Saturday and tomorrow will have her spayed. She is our newest member of the Yanda family and we are truly smitten with her. :)
Posted by Allison at 8:44 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Since I have some new readers that I haven't been in contact with for a few years, I will summarize the last few months with pictures. :)
I've started taking pictures more. I actually love doing it and of course my favorite subjects are my kids. This pic and about 3 dozen other ones were taken at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. It is the absolute perfect backdrop for gorgeous pictures!

Ray's sister Christy got married in August in Las Vegas. This was our "big" trip for the summer and it was quite the tumultuous trip. If you're interested in reading about it, you can do so on my facebook page here. Stella and Cambria were flower girls and Kyle was the ring bearer. All them did amazing! The last picture is when we went to the M&M world store and Coca Cola store in Vegas. BOTH very cool places!

The summer ended with both Stella AND Cambria heading off to school. Stella is in 3rd grade and Cambria started Kindergarten. Boo hoo for me, but yay! for her. She is loving it and has grown so much over just a month. Amazing! The pictures below are on the first day of school, eating breakfast and out in the driveway getting ready to go. Of course Kyle couldn't be left out of the pictures. A few weeks ago he started museum school, however it is only 2 hours once a week. I can handle that. :D

Well, if you made it through all that, YOU are amazing! You wanted pictures, you got them!!! Haha! You are officially up to date on the happenings in our lives in the past few months.
Posted by Allison at 12:07 PM 1 comments
Creepin' Up!
I can't believe it's October 9th. What the heck?? I need to get in the Halloween spirit. Some of my friends might never speak to me again for this comment, but here goes anyway. I've never been really big on Halloween. There I said it. Sorry, Melanie!!! :D I've never cared whether I dress up or not. As a child I had a wonderful big sister who would dress me up. I think she enjoyed it more than I did however, haha! I have distinct memories of one year her dressing me up as a baseball player. And, she's very creative. I remember sitting on the toilet seat while she painted my face with a black eyeliner pencil. I still don't remember what she put on my face with it, but I remember it taking wayyy too long. Ha ha! I was such a pain. So, with that said, I have never really enjoyed dressing my children up for Halloween also. I do love watching them get excited, so of course I do it every year. Just not an "easy" thing for me. I would much rather someone come and do it for me, haha, and let me just watch. So, that being said, it's now or never that I need to be working on getting the kids costumes. Kyle is going to be superman, easy - but I need to get a costume. Cambria is still undecided. She had thought about being a mermaid and so my sister sent an old costume of my neices that is a cute mermaid costume. However, Cambria is still unsure if that's what she wants to be. Stella had thought she wanted to be one of the characters from the new star wars clones movie. However, when she saw the costume she thought it looked too scary. Haha! So, I have no idea what she wants to be now. I guess I better get it figured out. Uggg, it's creepin' up on me!!!
Now, I do however, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this time of year!!! I love the pumpkins and the fall colors and the parties! Just not all the have toos and the candy and stuff.
Posted by Allison at 9:16 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
More time in a day....
Do you think if we all banned together we could put together a ballot to add to the upcoming election?? It would look something like this: "Vote for change - 30 hours in a day rather than only 24. Everyone needs more time, give us the change we need!" LOL!
I need more time. I need more time to clean my house, more time to do yard work, more time for my church calling, more time to love my husband ;), more time to read to my kids, more time to cook and bake, more time to spend on homework with the kids, more time to volunteer, more time to grocery shop and cut coupons, and of course, not to be forgotten, more time to goof off and sleep!!!!! I just don't see this as an unreasonable request. Who would know the difference if we just all agreed on it and voted it into law?!?!?!
My week has gotten away from me. Thank goodness for my wonderful mother. She has been a life saver to me this week and it's only Tuesday. She cleaned my kitchen for me yesterday, watched Kyle and Stella today so they didn't have to go to the doctor's office with Cambria and I and catch who knows what. She insisted I take a nap today. Tomorrow she watches Kyle while I volunteer at the school. How would I function without her? Welll....a lot less would get done that's how! So, mom, if you're reading this which I'm sure you're not because you probably haven't checked your email in who knows how long (yeah Amber I know you're laughing) - but anyways, thanks for supporting me so much! You're great!
A little funny for your reading pleasure today. Cambria had her 6 yr old checkup today. Everything was fine which is always refreshing in this family when it happens, however I had her get the flu shot. I told her ahead of time she was going to get it and she asked me where they would give it to her and I said I didn't know - but it would probably be either her arm, leg or butt. I knew it wasn't gonna be in the butt, but (haha) I thought it was funny. She immediatley looked at me in horror and said, "Mommy, I dont' want it in my butt, pleeeeeaaase!" LOL! She wanted it in her arm. The doctor and nurse were suprised but said since she's 6 she could have it in her arm. So, she had her flu shot in her arm and her butt was spared. Whew!!! Ha hahahah! Kids are sooo funny!
I didn't get near enough done today - but I got some great meat that was on sale and stocked up, took a short nap, took Cambria to the doctor and then had a presidency meeting for church. I'm off to cut out some laminating that I need to turn back into school tomorrow. I'm hoping to get to bed earlier. I really need to do better at that.
So, I don't know exactly how these blogs are "suppose" to be - but for me it's just a rambling of the thoughts in my head. Which, is fantastic for me, but probably not as enjoyable to you. So, as a loyal reader of what, two days, if you want to hear my thoughts on anything in particular, post it. I always have something to say about pretty much everything! Let me know! :D
Posted by Allison at 8:16 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Typical Monday
I always get excited about the new week. The two older kids head to school and it's just Kyle and I at home and I always figure I'll have sooo much time to get stuff done. Yet....it never happens. I'm always super busy and I never have enough time to get done what I want to.
I took the girls to school, came home and cleared off my dining room table. I organized my shopping list and meal planning for the week. I had a phone call from Kyle's preschool teacher that lasted about 20 minutes. My mom comes over most weekdays to cook lunch for Kyle and spend time with him. I know, I know I'm spoiled, but they both love this time together so who am I to argue. Haha! Anyway, I decided to go to the store while mom was here. This took forever! I had a list, why did it take forever?? I didn't get anything that wasn't on my list. I did need to buy a gift for a little boy for a party the kids are going to today. That took a bit of time because let's face it, I'm still kinda new to the boy toys. LOL! I had to get deli meat, which ALWAYS take forever and then of course there is checking out. Yes, I was at Wally World (walmart) so that explains it. Then I went over to Albertson's to get some of their $1 eggs on sale. Great deal. By the time I got home I realized I only had 2 hours before I had to leave and I still needed to make bread. Ugggg! So the bread is raising as I write this. I think I'll make it, lol!
Well...guess I better get going on the other stuff for the day. I still need to wrap presents, bake bread, take shower ( yep still haven't done that today, got out of bed late), dress Kyle, cut coupons, vacuum, wash towels, go to party, cook dinner, homework and get kids to bed. I REALLY don't see FHE happening tonight. Oh well. It's a good day. I should be happy to have such a full and vibrant life. Ha ha!
Posted by Allison at 12:51 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Finding Joy in the Journey
Ok, so I had a few more thoughts on President Monson's talk about finding joy in the journey. He told us we needed to find joy in the journey , whatever journey we are on, NOW! We need to appreciate our blessings more and to reflect gratitude to our Lord and Savior. Isn't that fantastic???
I think each year I learn to find more joy in my journey. I must admit, the toddler years are not "my thing". I loved the newborn phase until about age 1 and then started really liking them again around 4, maybe 5. LOL! I like to be able to "reason" with my children. Of course I always loved my children, I just am saying that I enjoyed certain phases more than others. I'm sure I won't particularly "like" the kids during their teenage years either, LOL! I think I'm a much better to mom to school aged kids. I'm much better at routines such as homework and chores than I am about tantrums and potty training.
So, I'm not sure if it's because both Stella and Cambria are in school this year or if it's because Kyle is approaching that "reasonable" age...but I'm find myself finding more joy, being more relaxed and enjoying the day to day life more. I still haven't found time for all those elusive projects around the house, but I've found more time to sit down with a pile of books and read them to Kyle.
One area where I could do better at finding joy in the journey is with the young women at church. Ah, yes, the teenagers. Again, I completely love and adore all of them, which is a huge blessing from the Lord no doubt. However, sometimes I get so caught up in the "buisness" aspect of my work with them, that I fail to just have fun with them. Every month we have a youth dance that is about an hour drive. I always go whenever I can and drive any of the girls that want to go. I truly love this time with them. They always share such wonderful things with me and it's so wonderful to see teenagers in this world have joy. Yes, joy! I think that's why I love working with them and why I never seem to mind being with them. They are happy. They are joyful. My children at home are happy and joyful. What better life could I lead. I'm constantly around happy and joyful people!
So, I think I'm doing ok at finding joy in the journey, but we can always improve and so I will seek for more ways to find my joy in my journey each and every day. How about you?
Posted by Allison at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Spiritually Uplifted!....and a bit crazed!
Well...conference was absolutely wonderful! I loved, loved President Monson telling us, almost commanding us to "Find joy in the journey, NOW!"
I must say that yesterday went better than today. Kyle was a bit more rambunctious and then since we stayed during the break to eat and let the kids run around the building, it was hard for him to get settled back down again. However, when you think about 8 hours of sitting in church over a 2-day period, they were amazing! Ray and I have decided that we will do this each conference from now on. We felt truly blessed by the Lord for our act of faith in attending conference at the building.
Of course, by being gone from the house all weekend, nothing got done. Now I have a mess to clean up starting tomorrow, big bummer! My dining room table...I think there's a table top under all that stuff! All of cambria's presents are sitting on it and just the remnants from last week. Nothing 10 minutes wouldn't fix, but just still a bit overhwelming. I have a few loads of laundry left to do, but the overwhelming part with that is putting it all away. Don't you hate that???
Posted by Allison at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
One Word Tag
1. Where is your cell phone? table
2. Your significant other? Ray
3. Your hair? Auburn
4. Your mother? Helper
5. Your father? Heaven
6. Your favorite thing? Prayer
7. Your dream last night? None
8. Your favorite drink? Diet Coke
9. Your dream/goal? Peace
10. The room you’re in? Dining
11. Your hobby? Baking
12. Your fear? Unknown
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here
14. What you’re not? Skinny
15. Muffins? Bran
16. One of your wish list items? Wii
17. Where you grew up? California
18. The last thing you did? Laundry
19. What are you wearing? Nightgown
20. Favorite gadget? Cellphone
21. Your pets? None
22. Your computer? Timewaster
23. Your mood? Peaceful
24. Missing someone? Always
25. Your car? Capable
26. Something you’re not wearing? Shoes
27. Favorite store? SuperTarget
28. Like someone? Many
29. Your favorite color? Green
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Today
I tag Nikki, Jamie and Sadie
Posted by Allison at 8:21 PM 4 comments
Are we insane???
As I mentioned in a previous post, this weekend is general conference for our church. There are 5 sessions. Each session is 2 hours long. There are two general session on Saturday and 2 general sessions on Sunday and then the fifth session is just for the men on Saturday night. This conference is broadcast on BYU tv which we get at home on the dish and also you can get a livestream on the internet. We have always watched at home. However, you can also go to our church building and watch it on a big screen. We have been having trouble being able to watch it at home. The kids (of course) just don't get it. Too many distractions at home. So, today we decided to go and watch it at the building. Yep, 4 hours of church! Ha ha, are we insane? Apparently not. The kids were amazing. I (of course) had to be prepared. I brought a BUNCH of fun stuff for them to do. Pipe cleaners, geoboards, pattern blocks with a pattern activity book, magazines, sticker books, dot to dot coloring books, construction paper, crayons, and of course snacks. What was entertaining to me was that I brought certain things with one child in mind to use them, and I was totally way off. I brought the pipe cleaners thinking that Cambria would really enjoy using them. She did play with them for a bit, but really had no clue what to do with them. Then, Stella got bug eyed about them and played with them for a good hour making all sorts of creations. A crown and easter basket were among the memorable ones for me. It was cool. I brought the pattern blocks and activity book for Stella because it was one of her favorites when I homeschooled her. Duh, that was 2 years ago. Ha ha! She played with it for about two minutes and then came and told me that it was too easy for her. Ok then. I told her to take them over to Cambria and show her how to do it. Yep, Cambria played with that for about an hour. That's a reallllly long time for Cambria to do ANYTHING. LOL! There were only a handful of people and we were the only crazy ones with kids, but we got sooo much more out of conference. It was very relaxing for me and I saw the kids looking up and listening every once in awhile. Imagine that. Soooo....we are off to do the same thing tomorrow. I'll let you know. ;)
Posted by Allison at 7:45 PM 0 comments
A post in response to Melanie's tagged post
7 things I plan to do before I die
Go on a mission with Ray
Become a Grandma - **can wait a looooong time for that though
Have a beautiful flower garden that I don't kill anything
Earn my bachelor degree
Visit another country
Eat Vegetables
Help many, many people that are in need
7 things I do now
Love Ray unconditionally
Care, nurture and love my 3 wonderful children
Keep a somewhat well functionally household, lol
Volunteer at the elementary school
Serve and love and teach the young women at church
Foster good friendships
7 things I can't do (I don't like to say can't, but for the sake of playing along)
paint walls - for some reason I'm really lousy at this
sew - but I'm gonna learn soon
run a marathon - maybe some day
excel spreadsheets
keep my house clean consistenly
quite drinking diet coke, - lol
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:(or love about my husband)
his hands - wowzers! :)
his lips and smile
the dimple in his chin
the way he loves and adores and honors me
the way he loves his children and makes time for them
his strength - both physically, emotionally and spiritually
just because he is him - he's the only one eternally for me
7 things that I say most often:
stop it!
Go potty
Be quiet
I love you
clean this up
hurry up
I need to do...
7 celebraties that I like:
Drew Barrymore
Adam Sandler
Will Ferrel
Jim Carey
Keira Knightly
7 favorite foods:
chicken alfredo
mom's goulash
vegtable soup
london broil
beef fajitas
spaghetti with whole wheat noodles
7 people who I invite to do this:
....those are the only blogs I have...
Posted by Allison at 6:35 PM 3 comments
The need to laugh at ourselves...
So, for those friends and families of mine that are not members of my church...Today was the first day in a two-day semi-anual general conference. This is a wonderful event for me. Our living prophet on the earth speaks to us as well as our other apostles and general leaders. Each speaker prayerfully decides what to address us on and it always amazes me that there is a theme. The topics are always things that I need to hear, it's truly wonderful. Usually there are one or two each day that really stand out to me. Today it was Elder Wirthlin. He is a wonderfully, cute old man who has been forced to give his talks from a chair. He is not able to read his talk very well, so sometimes he stumbles with his words. All in all it is obvious he is still as sharp as a tack. Today he spoke about the need to laugh. Especially at those times of extreme stress. I can be a pretty high strung person at times and I have been known to let things really bother me in the moment before. I would love to laugh more when the going gets tough. So...in honor of Elder Wirthlin, I'm putting together a little list of "silly" things I've done lately that really irked me and I got mad, rather than letting it go. I vow to laugh more about these things:
- Thursday night I was baking cupcakes for Cambria's school class - I had two different sets going and so set the microwave timer as well as the stove timer. Unfortunately I failed to remember that I always turn the sound off on the microwave, so the timer went off but never sounded. Ha ha! Duh! Luckily my nose caught wind before it was too late!
- Last night I really thought I was doing well. I had remembered everything and done everything to make Cambria's party at Chuck E Cheese wonderful. I even remembered the camera (not something I always do) and proudly handed it over to Ray when he asked for it. A few minutes later he came back and asked me if I brought the memory card. Duh! Nope!
- This is just more funny and not really my fault. A couple weeks ago I was out of bread and figured I had enough time to bake some before I had to go to church for mutual. Unfortunately, Ray called and needed me to help him with something that required me to leave earlier. My bread was mixed and was just rising. So, with nothing else to do, I stuck it in a bowl, covered it and put it in the fridge. When I came home that night, I walked by the fridge and there was some dough laying on the ground in front of the fridge. I opened the fridge and saw that the dough has risen too much, but couldn't figure out how the dough got on the floor. Even though it was already late, I didn't want anymore mess, so I layed the dough out, waited for it to rise and baked it. The other odd thing was that there didn't seem to be as much dough as I usually have. The next day I was telling Ray about all this and he had a sheepish look on his face. He told me he came home and opened the fridge and the dough was starting to overflow, so he just - get this - scooped up a handful of dough and threw it in the trash. LOL! OMG! HAHA!!!! So, THAT is how some dough dropped on the floor and THAT is why I didn't have as much dough as usual. Guess I need to teach him how to punch dough down, haha!
Well, that's it for me. If you want to - leave me a comment and tell me a funny story or a duh moment lately. I promise to laugh with you and not at you....really...LOL!
Posted by Allison at 6:12 PM 3 comments
I have jumped in...finally...
Yes, it was only a matter of time before I joined the blogging bandwagon. I've already tried my time with myspace and am an avid user of facebook. I think the reason for my decision to have a blog is two-fold. I thouroughly enjoy reading other's blogs and I could use a place to pour out my thoughts and happenings. I also have learned from being an avid reader of other's blogs first that I need to keep my posts up. Nothing is worse when you check a blog day after day and they don't blog for like a month. VERY annoying! LOL!
Soooo...stay tuned. For your reading pleasure I have a few posts tonight. It's just the kids and I at home and they have a movie in mind to watch, so I've got nothin' but time to blog to my hearts desire! :)
Posted by Allison at 4:25 PM 0 comments