Tuesday, October 21, 2008

One of THOSE days!!! Arrrggg!!!

Yep, it's one of THOSE days! The kind where nothing goes as planned and everything is really annoying and everyone is super grumpy. Yeah THAT kind of day. And it isn't even noon yet! We started the day off late. I got home from dropping the girls off and was able to spend about an hour at home until I got a call from the school nurse. Stella wasn't feeling well. We went and picked her up and she is resting at home now. Of course that in and of itself changes my entire day. I don't want Cambria to ride the bus home by herself, so I have to go and get her early from school because I have a dentist appointmnet this afternoon. Kyle is...GRUMPY! All he wants to do is watch tv, how dare I turn his tv off. He is throwing a fit about it...as I type this.
So, yeah there you have it. IF my day improves, I might blog on a happier note. We shall see.


Melanie said...

Don't you just love those days! Guess it didn't get any better, I'm sorry. When I'm having a day like that I call my sister, she always makes me laugh as I'm sure you could tell Saturday night!