Monday, October 6, 2008

A Typical Monday

I always get excited about the new week. The two older kids head to school and it's just Kyle and I at home and I always figure I'll have sooo much time to get stuff done. never happens. I'm always super busy and I never have enough time to get done what I want to.
I took the girls to school, came home and cleared off my dining room table. I organized my shopping list and meal planning for the week. I had a phone call from Kyle's preschool teacher that lasted about 20 minutes. My mom comes over most weekdays to cook lunch for Kyle and spend time with him. I know, I know I'm spoiled, but they both love this time together so who am I to argue. Haha! Anyway, I decided to go to the store while mom was here. This took forever! I had a list, why did it take forever?? I didn't get anything that wasn't on my list. I did need to buy a gift for a little boy for a party the kids are going to today. That took a bit of time because let's face it, I'm still kinda new to the boy toys. LOL! I had to get deli meat, which ALWAYS take forever and then of course there is checking out. Yes, I was at Wally World (walmart) so that explains it. Then I went over to Albertson's to get some of their $1 eggs on sale. Great deal. By the time I got home I realized I only had 2 hours before I had to leave and I still needed to make bread. Ugggg! So the bread is raising as I write this. I think I'll make it, lol!
Well...guess I better get going on the other stuff for the day. I still need to wrap presents, bake bread, take shower ( yep still haven't done that today, got out of bed late), dress Kyle, cut coupons, vacuum, wash towels, go to party, cook dinner, homework and get kids to bed. I REALLY don't see FHE happening tonight. Oh well. It's a good day. I should be happy to have such a full and vibrant life. Ha ha!


Kelly said...

You got a lot done. I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's all I can say!

Melanie said...

You are a busy girl! Keep up the good work girl!