Saturday, October 4, 2008

A post in response to Melanie's tagged post

7 things I plan to do before I die
Go on a mission with Ray
Become a Grandma - **can wait a looooong time for that though
Have a beautiful flower garden that I don't kill anything
Earn my bachelor degree
Visit another country
Eat Vegetables
Help many, many people that are in need

7 things I do now
Love Ray unconditionally
Care, nurture and love my 3 wonderful children
Keep a somewhat well functionally household, lol
Volunteer at the elementary school
Serve and love and teach the young women at church
Foster good friendships

7 things I can't do (I don't like to say can't, but for the sake of playing along)
paint walls - for some reason I'm really lousy at this
sew - but I'm gonna learn soon
run a marathon - maybe some day
excel spreadsheets
keep my house clean consistenly
quite drinking diet coke, - lol

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:(or love about my husband)
his hands - wowzers! :)
his lips and smile
the dimple in his chin
the way he loves and adores and honors me
the way he loves his children and makes time for them
his strength - both physically, emotionally and spiritually
just because he is him - he's the only one eternally for me

7 things that I say most often:
stop it!
Go potty
Be quiet
I love you
clean this up
hurry up
I need to do...

7 celebraties that I like:
Drew Barrymore
Adam Sandler
Will Ferrel
Jim Carey
Keira Knightly

7 favorite foods:
chicken alfredo
mom's goulash
vegtable soup
london broil
beef fajitas
spaghetti with whole wheat noodles

7 people who I invite to do this:
....those are the only blogs I have...


Kelly said...

invite me, invite me!! Great answers btw.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed this...I just did it, too. I will do the other a little later...can't believe that I didn't notice them before! Thanks for tagging me :)

Allison said...

Oh yeah and Kelly...if you want to do this then....yeah...ummmmm...I tag you too! :D