So, I'm still an internet nervous nellie, but since I have made this blog private, I feel somewhat comfortable sharing pictures.
Since I have some new readers that I haven't been in contact with for a few years, I will summarize the last few months with pictures. :)
I've started taking pictures more. I actually love doing it and of course my favorite subjects are my kids. This pic and about 3 dozen other ones were taken at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. It is the absolute perfect backdrop for gorgeous pictures!
Ray took the girls for a day up to the Dallas Museum of Art. They got to do some cool projects in this room. It's not a fantastic picture but you can see all the many recycled products that they had at their fingertips to use. They had a blast as well as Daddy.
Ray and Kyle went on their first father/son campout with the stake. This was held at the new stake center grounds which was very historical to get to camp there once before they broke ground to build on it.
We had a crazy, crazy hail storm. Yep, that's hail, not snow. Everyone in our entire neighborhood had to get new roofs and rain gutters. It was a crazy thing.
We made a quick trip up to Iowa for my cousin's wedding and my kids got to spend the 4th of July like I used to as a kid. Quite fun! My mom had all 5 of her grandkids there since my sister came out as well. The firework picture is of Stella. She claimed that she was only setting off 1 sparkler at a time, however, the proof is in the picture. LOL! The last picture is a typical picture of us when we are camping. I always have popsicles in our freezer on camping trips. Aren't they precious?!?!
Ray's sister Christy got married in August in Las Vegas. This was our "big" trip for the summer and it was quite the tumultuous trip. If you're interested in reading about it, you can do so on my facebook page here. Stella and Cambria were flower girls and Kyle was the ring bearer. All them did amazing! The last picture is when we went to the M&M world store and Coca Cola store in Vegas. BOTH very cool places!
Well, if you made it through all that, YOU are amazing! You wanted pictures, you got them!!! Haha! You are officially up to date on the happenings in our lives in the past few months.
Since I have some new readers that I haven't been in contact with for a few years, I will summarize the last few months with pictures. :)
I've started taking pictures more. I actually love doing it and of course my favorite subjects are my kids. This pic and about 3 dozen other ones were taken at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. It is the absolute perfect backdrop for gorgeous pictures!

Ray's sister Christy got married in August in Las Vegas. This was our "big" trip for the summer and it was quite the tumultuous trip. If you're interested in reading about it, you can do so on my facebook page here. Stella and Cambria were flower girls and Kyle was the ring bearer. All them did amazing! The last picture is when we went to the M&M world store and Coca Cola store in Vegas. BOTH very cool places!

The summer ended with both Stella AND Cambria heading off to school. Stella is in 3rd grade and Cambria started Kindergarten. Boo hoo for me, but yay! for her. She is loving it and has grown so much over just a month. Amazing! The pictures below are on the first day of school, eating breakfast and out in the driveway getting ready to go. Of course Kyle couldn't be left out of the pictures. A few weeks ago he started museum school, however it is only 2 hours once a week. I can handle that. :D

Well, if you made it through all that, YOU are amazing! You wanted pictures, you got them!!! Haha! You are officially up to date on the happenings in our lives in the past few months.
I love the pictures! Ashlynn was standing here next to me a the pictures came up on the screen and she said "oh look, there's my boyfriend!" It made me laugh!
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