Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More time in a day....

Do you think if we all banned together we could put together a ballot to add to the upcoming election?? It would look something like this: "Vote for change - 30 hours in a day rather than only 24. Everyone needs more time, give us the change we need!" LOL!
I need more time. I need more time to clean my house, more time to do yard work, more time for my church calling, more time to love my husband ;), more time to read to my kids, more time to cook and bake, more time to spend on homework with the kids, more time to volunteer, more time to grocery shop and cut coupons, and of course, not to be forgotten, more time to goof off and sleep!!!!! I just don't see this as an unreasonable request. Who would know the difference if we just all agreed on it and voted it into law?!?!?!
My week has gotten away from me. Thank goodness for my wonderful mother. She has been a life saver to me this week and it's only Tuesday. She cleaned my kitchen for me yesterday, watched Kyle and Stella today so they didn't have to go to the doctor's office with Cambria and I and catch who knows what. She insisted I take a nap today. Tomorrow she watches Kyle while I volunteer at the school. How would I function without her? Welll....a lot less would get done that's how! So, mom, if you're reading this which I'm sure you're not because you probably haven't checked your email in who knows how long (yeah Amber I know you're laughing) - but anyways, thanks for supporting me so much! You're great!
A little funny for your reading pleasure today. Cambria had her 6 yr old checkup today. Everything was fine which is always refreshing in this family when it happens, however I had her get the flu shot. I told her ahead of time she was going to get it and she asked me where they would give it to her and I said I didn't know - but it would probably be either her arm, leg or butt. I knew it wasn't gonna be in the butt, but (haha) I thought it was funny. She immediatley looked at me in horror and said, "Mommy, I dont' want it in my butt, pleeeeeaaase!" LOL! She wanted it in her arm. The doctor and nurse were suprised but said since she's 6 she could have it in her arm. So, she had her flu shot in her arm and her butt was spared. Whew!!! Ha hahahah! Kids are sooo funny!
I didn't get near enough done today - but I got some great meat that was on sale and stocked up, took a short nap, took Cambria to the doctor and then had a presidency meeting for church. I'm off to cut out some laminating that I need to turn back into school tomorrow. I'm hoping to get to bed earlier. I really need to do better at that.
So, I don't know exactly how these blogs are "suppose" to be - but for me it's just a rambling of the thoughts in my head. Which, is fantastic for me, but probably not as enjoyable to you. So, as a loyal reader of what, two days, if you want to hear my thoughts on anything in particular, post it. I always have something to say about pretty much everything! Let me know! :D


Kelly said...

Hey thats kind of mean you told her that she will get it in the butt!! LOL

Allison said...

Yeah, I know. I'm mean like that - and yet they still love and adore me, go figure!!! LOL!

Kelly said...

Oh, and this has nothing to do with this blog post, but thank you for the flaxseed muffin in the mug recipe. I got some flaxseed meal today and tried one before I spring them on Greg.