Thursday, October 9, 2008

Creepin' Up!

I can't believe it's October 9th. What the heck?? I need to get in the Halloween spirit. Some of my friends might never speak to me again for this comment, but here goes anyway. I've never been really big on Halloween. There I said it. Sorry, Melanie!!! :D I've never cared whether I dress up or not. As a child I had a wonderful big sister who would dress me up. I think she enjoyed it more than I did however, haha! I have distinct memories of one year her dressing me up as a baseball player. And, she's very creative. I remember sitting on the toilet seat while she painted my face with a black eyeliner pencil. I still don't remember what she put on my face with it, but I remember it taking wayyy too long. Ha ha! I was such a pain. So, with that said, I have never really enjoyed dressing my children up for Halloween also. I do love watching them get excited, so of course I do it every year. Just not an "easy" thing for me. I would much rather someone come and do it for me, haha, and let me just watch. So, that being said, it's now or never that I need to be working on getting the kids costumes. Kyle is going to be superman, easy - but I need to get a costume. Cambria is still undecided. She had thought about being a mermaid and so my sister sent an old costume of my neices that is a cute mermaid costume. However, Cambria is still unsure if that's what she wants to be. Stella had thought she wanted to be one of the characters from the new star wars clones movie. However, when she saw the costume she thought it looked too scary. Haha! So, I have no idea what she wants to be now. I guess I better get it figured out. Uggg, it's creepin' up on me!!!
Now, I do however, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this time of year!!! I love the pumpkins and the fall colors and the parties! Just not all the have toos and the candy and stuff.


Jessica Stier said...

Hey Allison! Great blog. I'm excited to read more and hopefully see some photos!

I have two blogs. Our family one is and my photography blog is


Kelly said...

I kind of agree with you. I like Halloween, but I hate the whole buying the costumes, dressing the kids up thing. I even hate trick or treating. I would much rather stay at home and pass out candy to other kids than take my kids around the neighborhood. Justin was Superman when he was 4. Make sure you get the costume with the padded muscle chest! He will be so cute!

Unknown said...

For the record, you were a football player and the eyeliner marks were smudges under your eyes and a "stitch". LOL My personal favorite was the next year when you were Little Bo Peep. I LOVED dressing you up and I LOVE Halloween. I guess you take after Mom and I take after Dad. The year you were a football player, he wore fake fur on his was awesome! His last dress up who-rah was when he disguised himself as another old man and fooled Natasha. She LOVED it. My only problem is that I have waaay more ideas than can be implemented. Thank goodness for Nataha's High School Spirit dress up days and Taty's History days. They almost suffice is assuaging my need to create costumes.